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Showing posts from December, 2020

Remembering India’s Greatest Mathematical Prodigy- Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan ( Great Indian Mathematician)  December 22 is a glorious day for India and Indians.  This day is celebrated as National Mathematics Day i.e. National Mathematics Day in the country.  Let's know interesting things related to Srinivasa Ramanujan's life ... Who was Ramanujan and why is National Mathematics Day celebrated?  It was on this date in 1887 that the great Indian mathematician Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan was born.  To honor his life achievements, the Government of India declared 22 December i.e. his birth anniversary as National Mathematics Day .  It was announced by the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during the inauguration ceremony of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Srinivasa Ramanujan at Madras University on 26 February 2012.  The great mathematician Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan was born on December 22, 1887 in a Brahmin family in Erode village , Coimbatore . Ramanujan's father's name was Srinivasa Iyengar ....

कविता: मेरी बहना

' "मेरी बहना"  सुंदर सा चेहरा, इंसानियत की मूरत है वो, भोली और प्यारी, बहुत ही खूसूरत है वो, कभी दोस्त, तो कभी मां होती है वो, हर किरदार में, मेरे साथ होती है वो, हमारी कामयाबी पर होती है हमसे भी ज्यादा खुश, नाकामी के वक्त समेट लेती है हमारे सारे दुख, कितनी ही मेरी गलतियों को नकारा है उसने, अपने दुखो को छिपाकर हंसाया है उसने, सभी रिश्तों को शिद्दत से निभाती है वो, लेकिन हमारे रिश्ते को सबसे खास बनाती है वो, कोई और नहीं वो प्यारी सी, मेरी बहना है।। 🖊️ अर्पित सचान this poem dedicated to my dearest elder sister(Preeti Sachan). Thankyou