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Mathematics - Why & why?

Why we study mathematics ?

In many disciplines, the history of the twentieth century tells of the introduction of more and more mathematical and statistical techniques. Mathematics has been established as a universal ingredient in the understanding of the world, and is the language used in conveying this understanding. Now, in the twenty-first century, higher mathematics and statistics are not just tools for physical scientists and engineers, but also of crucial importance in business, economics, social sciences, medicine, and many other fields. Many mathematicians delight in the aesthetic appeal of their subject; however, it is ultimately the application of mathematics that makes it a critical element in modern civilization. 
Statistics is a subfield of the mathematical sciences. Its applications to new technologies and big data are so numerous that it warrants its own major; however, to study statistics is essentially to study mathematics. When we refer to "mathematics" or "the mathematical sciences," statistics is included in those categories. 

Using Math in Everyday Life--

Mathematics is an essential discipline in today’s world. It is a powerful tool for understanding the world around us and our perspective of the important issues facing us as individuals, families, businesses, and nations. Math surrounds us; we see and use math skills and capabilities every day–from balancing our checkbooks to advertising agencies to doctors; from retailers to builders, lawyers and accountants. Everyone needs some level of specific mathematics knowledge. Most professions use math to perform their job better and to get ahead in the world.,

"Mathematics takes us into the region of absolute necessity, to which not only the actual word, but every possible word, must conform."

✒️Arpit Sachan


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