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Quick Byte: Can Double Masking Affect Our Oxygen Level In The Body?

 Right from the beginning of the second wave in the country, many experts and governments have been requesting people to leave the house by putting on double masks and if they are sitting close to their relatives in the house, then use double masks.

The second wave of corona infection in the country is infecting people at its ravishing speed. Even today, more than 4 lakh new patients of corona infection have appeared across the country. All the weapon weapons in defense of the corona are being told face mask only. Right from the beginning of the second wave in the country, many experts and governments have been requesting people to leave the house by putting on double masks and if they are sitting close to their relatives in the house, then use double masks.

In odd circumstances, when experts are. advising to apply double mask, a message is becoming viral on social media, claiming that for a long time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the body can be increased and oxygen can be increased. Levels may be lower. After which a serious problem can arise in the person's body.

However, this message has been called fake by the government.

                                          🖊️ Arpit Sachan


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